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📅 Tuesday May 7, 2024
🕒 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM

💨 Rebirthing Breathwork w/ Edward

📍 The Space of Pure Awareness
💰 800 THB

No need to book in advance and suitable for first timers.
I like have small intimate groups with a max 12 people, to ensure maximum focus.
The first 30 mins I will go into a detailed introduction, and some guidance about working with Chakras if there is time.
REBIRTHING BREATHWORK is a powerfully transformative technique for healing & releasing old emotional wounds, trauma, conditioning, negative patterns, and unconscious belief systems.
Connects you with your deepest inner truth, and your divine nature.
Boosts confidence and awareness and trust in yourself.
Brings you to a deep inner peace.
Assists tantric practice by clearing & opening the energy system & the Chakras.
Hope to see you there ❤