Chakra Balance Vinyasa Yoga w/ Merv
In yoga, the life force energy (otherwise known as “prana”) travels through the subtle body in a series of channels, called “nadis.” These nadis intersect at points of intensified energy, called “chakras.” A Sanskrit word for “wheel,” chakras are spinning vortexes of energy in the subtle body that correspond to various glands along the spine and inside the skull.
According to yoga philosophy, the human body has seven major chakras which will be further explored in the latter sections of this guide.
Each chakra governs specific behaviors and values in our lives.
Yoga is one of the most basic ways to balance each chakra because it creates alignment in the physical body. Balancing and stabilizing your physical body through asana (yoga posture) practice also rebalances your subtle body. This realigns the chakras, which regulate specific behaviors, and makes it easier to overcome outdated patterns, beliefs, and habits.
Below is a description of the seven major chakras, along with yoga postures that will help to stimulate and balance each one.
Root Chakra — Muladhara Chakra
Belly Chakra — Svadhishthana Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra — Manipura Chakra
Heart Chakra — Anahata Chakra
Throat Chakra — Vishuddha Chakra
Third Eye Chakra — Ajna Chakra
Crown Chakra — Sahasrara Chakra
About Facilitator: Merve has been teaching different types of yoga as vinyasa, power, hatha, yin yoga for 8 years. She has 10 years prior experience in personal yoga practice, in 2015, she received 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training , Yin Yoga TTC and in 2022 she received another 200 TTC in different style. Since then, she been teaching at several places.She has grown up always with dance and music. Dance has a big role in her life. She combines dance and yoga together.
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We have mats and props available.
📍Ohlia Space
Energy Exchange : 400 thb