Guitar Concert
Weaving Dreams: Ceremonial Guitar Journey

Weaving Dreams: Ceremonial Guitar Journey

19:00 - 20:30
Event By Mannu E

Weaving Dreams 💫Ceremonial Guitar Journey at Seeds of Dreams
Every Wednesday evening 19:00 to 20:30
✨Seeds of Dreams✨
Entry to ✨Weaving Dreams✨ live music evenings is free, however, donations are appreciated, as they help us support and promote Island’s artists.
“Weaving Dreams” is a series of live music evenings that invite you to follow the flow of sound and embrace the melodies of your heart, guiding you on your own path.
Inspired by the T’nalak weaving tradition of the Philippines, these gatherings connect music and cacao to weave dreams and create new stories in the tapestry of our beautiful Island.
Explore your desires, aspirations, and creativity as Mannu performs original improvised musical landscapes. Let the guitar and cacao guide you into inner realms in a cozy, intimate setting where dreams are nurtured and artistic expressions celebrated.