Forgiveness Process Guided Meditation

Forgiveness Process Guided Meditation

10:00 - 11:15
Event By Filippo Lorusso
400 THB

Forgiveness Process is a Guided Meditation based on opening the Heart and a Deep Healing Process of Forgiving.
It’s a Dynamic meditation, starting from simple body movements, leads to a pleasant and soft individual dance that calms the mind and promotes the opening of the Heart Chakra and, with it, the psycho-physical well-being of the person.
Then there will be a special moment which you will be able to forgive intentionallly your past, your partens and yourself trought a guided meditation.
It is a very profound meditation, which transforms something inside the participants with grace, ease and joy.
This meditation helps to bring love to oneself, letting go of the guilt and wounds of the past, accepting the present moment as perfect as it is. In doing so, love towards us leads to an openness of heart that helps us create a wonderful future with everything we truly deserve.
The Facilitator:
Filippo, 31 years old and he comes from Italy, but actually he has lived here in Koh-Phangan for more than six years already. His services to the world are guiding and helping people online through spiritual practices and healthy lifestyle.
Among other practices, He conduct Qi-Gong practices, Emotional Healing Practices, Breathwork & Meditations.
He’s very happy and grateful to share his energy and his experience here on our amazing island. 🙏☯️
Drop in: 400 THB
🌈Event duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes
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Namaste 🙏