Rebirthing Breathwork w/ Merv

08 FEB | 13:00 - 15:00
📍 Yoga Retreat
Event By Merve
600 THB

The breath is this powerful tool on self-transformation and awakening that we all care inside ourselves. Working with the breath brings opportunity to reformulate our choices and freedom. Each practice has specific benefit as relaxing techniques, energy boosters, integrative practices, nervous system regulation, consciousness clarity and more. Rebirthing Breathwork is such a methodology where you can dive to the deepest level of your subconcious mind. With the power of breath, you will be able to release suppresed emotions, traumas, patterns, discover limitations, false beliefs and rise above them. Trough the breath we can release stagnant energy, opening space to see your real truth and essence. It provides the ground for deep self-discovering, integrates parts which were repressed and become whole from there. To get closer with yourelf one more layer deeper. Connects you with your deepest inner truth, brings awareness and trust in yourself through deep inner peace. Allow yourself to experience this powerfully transformative healing process. 🦋 There is limited spot, please book your spot in advance 🤗 Recommentations: 🦋Wear comfortable clothes, 🦋Bring your own mask if possible, 🦋Eat the last time at least 1 hour before breathing 🥰

Ig : @lotus_mandalayoga

Contact : +660963401443
