Ashtanga Vinyasa Led Class with Vari Morales

14 MAR | 08:00 - 09:45
Event By V Yoga Shala
500 THB

Experience Vari’s unique Ashtanga Vinyasa Inspired Yoga class as he guides each student individually to their abilities and levels. Vari has been teaching and leading teacher trainings worldwide for over 15 year and his teaching style is influenced by his many years of yoga practice, experiences at Kripalu and numerous pilgrimages to India while he studied in Mysore, Rishikesh, and Dharamsala. Vari’s teaching philosophy is rooted in the mindful connection to breath regardless of the style of yoga one is practicing. As breath is life, nothing else is possible without it. He is known for his warmth and charisma, powerful energy, effective hands-on adjustments, chanting, and inspirational talks.

Join V Yoga Shala for a transformational experience. All classes are masterly guided by Yogacharya Vari. No pre-booking is required.

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